Is MERV 8 the Best Air Filter for Your Home?

The U.S. has the MERV classification system as the industry standard when it comes to air filter ratings. Is a MERV 8 filter better than a MERV 5? Learn more about how these filters work and which one is best for your home.

Is MERV 8 the Best Air Filter for Your Home?

The MERV rating system, established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), is the only nationally regulated classification system for air filters. It is used to determine the ability of a filter to capture air particles and pollutants. The higher the MERV rating, the more dust an air filter will be able to trap. Filters with a MERV rating of 5-8 are more efficient at capturing particles with a size of 3, 0-10, or 0 microns.

A MERV 5 filter can trap up to 34%, while a MERV 6 filter can trap between 35 and 49%. A MERV 7 filter can avoid up to 69% and a MERV 8 filter can trap up to 85% of the particles. These filters are economical and offer greater air filtration, with a dust stain efficiency of 20 to 35%. They can also remove mold spores and tiny dust particles.

Filterbuy offers MERV 8, MERV 11 and MERV 13 air and heating filters, which cover the normal range of household needs by providing clean air and protecting air conditioning equipment. At a certain point, however, the MERV rating may be too high and cause the central air system to work much harder to push air through the filter. This is why it is important to choose the right MERV-rated air filters for your HVAC unit. Air filters with a MERV rating of 13 to 16 are the highest quality filters you can get for your HVAC unit. The U.

S. has the MERV classification system as the industry standard when it comes to air filter ratings. It is generally the most commonly used system when it comes to determining the effectiveness of an air filter in removing particulates from the air. Pleated filters type MERV 8 to 13 are considered closest thing to MerVana as they can effectively filter small particles and reduce pressure drop. So, is a MERV 8 filter better than a MERV 5? The answer is yes! A MERV 8 filter offers greater filtration efficiency than a MERV 5 filter, meaning it will capture more dust particles and pollutants from your home's air.

It also offers greater protection for your HVAC unit by reducing pressure drop. However, it is important to note that higher rated filters may cause your HVAC unit to work harder, so it is important to choose the right filter for your home.

Erika Rogan
Erika Rogan

Hipster-friendly zombieaholic. Typical tv junkie. Devoted bacon expert. Lifelong organizer. Wannabe beer evangelist. Proud web junkie.

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