Does the Number of Pleats in an Air Filter Really Matter?

Pleated air filters are highly efficient solutions for indoor air quality and can help reduce pollutants in the air. Learn how more pleats can make an air filter more effective.

Does the Number of Pleats in an Air Filter Really Matter?

Pleated air filters are often highly efficient and can be a great indoor air quality solution for those with allergies. To ensure optimal airflow, it is important to look for a filter with plenty of folds. The more folds it has, the easier it will be for air to pass through. A pleated polyester filter with a MERV value of 6 to 8 is usually the ideal choice.

Generally, pleated filters have a MERV rating of 5 to 12 and have a much longer lifespan than other types of filters. In particular, air filters with fine carbon mesh are especially effective at eliminating odors and smelly compounds even at low concentrations. The average efficiency of a pleated air filter is between 25% and 30%, but can reach up to 45% when made from carbon material. This makes them an excellent choice for improving the efficiency and performance of HVAC units, protecting them from damage and extending their lifespan.

The higher the MERV rating, the denser the filter will be and, as such, the more restricted the air flow will be. However, if you need a better option for allergy sufferers and don't want to waste time changing the filter every month, choose a durable, crease-free air filter. All other things being equal, a filter with a higher MERV rating and more creases per inch will have the same or better airflow than one with a lower MERV rating and fewer creases. The only thing you need to worry about is finding the right filter for your unit and your overall system, to ensure that you reduce the amount of pollutants in the air as much as possible.

Placing a HEPA filter designed for a hospital in a residential unit is not going to be effective at cleaning the atmosphere. Finally, look for online stores that offer discounts on regular shipments of air filters (ours is 5%, for example). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pleated filters are much more efficient than non-pleated filters at capturing microscopic particles suspended in the air. Additionally, when installing pleated air filters in your air conditioning system, there is no need to modify the ducts - even in homes with older HVAC units that weren't built to house thicker air filters.

This is because pleated air filters have more surface area, allowing them to incorporate active carbon materials into their surface which helps eliminate odors. When comparing the cost of a pleated filter to a non-pleated one, you have to triple the price per filter of the non-pleated filter for an accurate comparison. Some of these filters are also equipped with a wire mesh which helps maintain their shape and prevents clogging.

Erika Rogan
Erika Rogan

Hipster-friendly zombieaholic. Typical tv junkie. Devoted bacon expert. Lifelong organizer. Wannabe beer evangelist. Proud web junkie.

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